Showing posts with the label dsa with javaShow all
Rearrange a given array of int values so that the even numbers appear first, followed by the odd numbers.
Insertion sort in Java
Bucket Sort in Java
Selection sort in Java
Quick Sort in Java
Merge Sort in Java
Write a function to convert BST  it into a sorted linked list. You have to return the head of LL.
Breadth First Search tree in Java
Write a java code to find the height of a binary tree
Find all possible palindromes in a String in java
Finding all possible combinations of numbers to reach a given sum Java
Write a program to encode and decode a string in java
Longest common subsequence Program in Java
How to search in binary sort tree in Java
Sum of Binary Tree in Java
How to take input in linked list in java
Remove Duplicate Character From String in Java using HashMap
Reverse a String in Java  | Data Structure and algorithm